  • A Survival Guide for Eating Out!

    On average, Americans eat out at least 3 times each week. We add about 134 calories to our daily intake when we eat out which in turn becomes 6 pounds of weight gain each year. Over 50 percent of the money we spend on food goes toward eating out. Sadly, only 20% of us order food based on nutritional considerations and 90% underestimate the number of calories by 200-600. Obamacare mandates by 12/1/2016 that all chain restaurants with over 20 outlets show calorie counts. However, there are some changes which can help.

    Avoid combo meals and their excessive calories.

    Stick to the small size especially with soda.

    Eat more vegetables. I usually substitute the starch in a meal for a salad.

    Drink your water first. Those who drink two cups of water before each meal have a greater weight loss.

    Avoid the tortilla chips, dinner rolls, and breadsticks. Worthless calories tacked onto dinner.

    All things being equal, order by the number of calories.

    (Did You Know? 73% of meals at restaurant chains contain over half the recommended daily calories (which is 2000) for an average adult.)

    Slow down and plan where to indulge in fast food. It may avoid impulse decisions.

    Make eating out a “special” occasion. Otherwise stick to your usually healthy eating habits.

    Keep away from items with long fancy names as they tend to have more calories.

    Watch what your friends eat. The New England Journal of Medicine found that your risk of obesity jumps 171 percent when a close friend becomes obese.

    Listen to your gut. Satisfaction in a meal is not proportional to its size. Keep it smaller.

    Drinking alcohol before a meal prompted people to consume 19 percent more calories. Hold off until you have settled on a healthy meal.

    There is no rule that you have to order an entrée rather than a salad and an appetizer.

    From Men’s Health and Tufts Health and Nutrition Letter

    Healthy living,

    Peter McKenna, M.D.

    McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center . 10577 Montgomery Road . Cincinnati . OH . 45242

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