  • Dehydration, Cold Coffee Recipe, Next Week Emily Blunt’s Potatoes Liposuction 20% off, CoolSculpting 4 for the Price of 3 & FREE Botox Augments $4995 PLUS $250 Rebate from Allergan


    Make sure you wash your paws!


    Mused after eating out at two restaurants over the weekend to support “Cincinnati Restaurant Week.” At least the ones I went to are totally social distancing. Nice to be out with friends and helping to assist a struggling industry.


    Your Choice:

    Liposuction is 20% off the surgeon’s fee. Improve contours, address all areas at one time, and recuperate over the weekend.

    Coolsculpting is 4 areas for the price of 3, plus a free dose of Botox. Coolsculpting freezes fat cells removing 20-25% at each treatment and there is essentially no down time.


    Augments from now until September 1 will be $4995, saline or silicone. For the month of June, Allergan is offering an additional $250 off! This includes surgeon, implants, anesthesia, and facility fees. Schedule your consultation NOW!


    NO BOTOX DAYS THIS SUMMER BUT…Mondays, Wednesdays, and other days that I am here we are offering Botox for $195/15 units and 10% off fillers.


    **Two other important factors: We do our surgeries HERE at our accredited surgery center and not at a hospital and patients who have had prior surgeries with us get a discount.




    Dehydration is simply not taking in enough fluids to meet the body’s demand. Factors involved include heat, activities such as exercise, advanced age, and medications.


    There is no official recommendation for the amount of water you should drink each day. Please see my previous Musing that discussed the 8 glasses each day not based on science. Some of us will need more and some less. Awareness and thirst are more accurate indicators.


    (Did You Know? The amount of water in your body decreases by 15% between the ages of 20 and 80 which is why the elderly are more susceptible to dehydration.)


    Tips for staying hydrated:


    Choose water not sugar sweetened beverages or fruit juices.

    Don’t wait until you are thirsty on hot days or while exercising. Dehydration occurs quickly.

    Put fruit, veggies, or herbs in water overnight to flavor. (E.g. cucumber-mint)

    Carry a refillable water bottle.

    Use sport drinks only for long/intense exercise. (Over an hour)

    Drink a glass of water with every meal. Drink one between alcoholic beverages.

    Sip unsweetened hot or ice tea or coffee. See cold coffee recipe below.

    Enjoy water dense fruits and vegetables like watermelon and cucumber.


    -Tuft’s Health and Nutrition Letter




    Cold coffee: Add to any container by WEIGHT (use a kitchen scale, Alton Brown’s favorite kitchen tool) in a 6:1 ration water and ground coffee. The coffee should be ground to the size of sugar. Refrigerate. Wait 12-24 hours then pour through a mesh into a pitcher. Good for about two weeks.



    Here’s our Coolsculpting Specialist, Joni.


    Q: How did you come to McKenna Cosmetic Surgery?

    A: After 5 years of doing Coolsculpting in Cincinnati I was lucky enough to find out that Dr. McKenna was starting Coolsculpting. After one meeting, we felt it would be a good fit. Almost 2 years later, many of our patients have had great success with this non-surgical treatment.

    Q: What other jobs have you had?

    A: I’ve been a store detective, a talk show producer, and a salon owner. At 35 I went to EMT school and trained in the medical field. I am now trained to work in the OR as well as the ER and Cardiac Cath Lab.

    Q: Your most unusual job?

    A: Procuring corneas for organ donation for the Cincinnati Eye Bank.

    Q: What do you want our patients to know about what you do here?

    A: I absolutely believe in Coolsculpting! From my own treatments to the patients I do today I am amazed at what Coolsculpting can do. With no down time it’s a great alternative to liposuction. You can schedule a consult with both Dr. McKenna and me and we can plan your treatment together.




    Package of three Micropeels are $235, normally $265. One per patient.


    Healthy living,


    Peter McKenna, M.D.




    McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center . 10577 Montgomery Road . Cincinnati . OH . 45242


    A Cincinnati Magazine “Top Doc” since 1998

    Allergan Top 500 Physician

    Skinceuticals “Flagship” Practice






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