  • Coffee Not Only Wakes Us Up, but Can Improve Health, Botox Day Tomorrow!

    A study from Annals of Internal Medicine tracking 129,000 people over two decades at the University of Madrid and the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) found that women drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day were 26% less likely to die prematurely and specifically 34% less likely to die from heart disease.  Men drinking five cups were 44% less likely to die of heart disease and 35% less from any cause.  Another study from the National Cancer Institute of over 400,000 participants showed a 12% reduced mortality for men and 16% for women when drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day.

    Two other studies support the possibility of coffee combating cancers.  Sweden’s Karolinska Institute found that women drinking five or more cups of coffee per day were at 57% less risk for ER-negative breast cancer when compared to those drinking less than a cup.  The HSPH also found that men drinking 6 or more cups each day had almost a 20% reduction in prostate cancer.

    (Did You Know?  Botox Day tomorrow.  Discounts on Botox and Fillers.  Call 513-793-5772 for an appointment.)

    Various studies have found beneficial effects of coffee in reducing the severity of Alzheimer’s disease, some cancers, depression, diabetes, gallstones, and kidney stones.  A European study found those drinking four or more cups of coffee per day were 23-30% less likely to develop diabetes than those drinking less than a cup a day.  It is theorized that the antioxidants in coffee may be responsible for counteracting cancers and anti-aging benefits.  Another study found that the caffeine helps to improve short-term memory, reaction times, and other brain functions.

    So, sit back and enjoy another cup of “joe” taking solace that you are doing something good for yourself.


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