  • Relationship Renewal! Top Doc Since 1999!

    Mused while appreciating being selected a Top Doc in plastic surgery by other doctors in the annual Cincinnati Magazine issue.  My staff (I consider it a team effort) and I have been selected since 1999.  Good work and concern for others is noticed by the community.


    This new year’s, in addition to eating healthy and getting in better shape try to rekindle love or as researchers call it “love regulation”.  Psychologists are mixed about whether love is an emotion or a feeling.  Either way, a recent study showed that we can control some of love through our thoughts.


    The study took people who are in love and those who had recently broken up.  Both groups were asked to look at pictures of their partner and think positive thoughts and then negative thoughts.  Those in love felt better about their partner when they thought positively and conversely when they thought negatively.  Those with a recent break up felt better when they thought negatively.


    (Did You Know?   Brainwave movement was used to confirm the way paraticipants felt in this study.)


    Here’s what you can do:


    -Think positive thoughts!

    -Make small tweaks; hugs, kisses, listening and engaging all help.

    -Smile at your partner.

    -Have sex; it secretes oxytocin which is a bonding hormone.

    -Broaden your perspective.  What positive attributes do others see in your partner that you can appreciate?

    -Let it go (Let It Be?!).  Let small things go like the proverbial sock on the floor.

    -Try new things together; romance, travel, hobbies.

    -Ask questions; plans together, hopes, dreams, etc.


    -Elizabeth Bernstein, WSJ




    This is a great You Tube video about millennials.  If your children are one, you work with them, or even if you are one yourself it will help to understand. The 10 minutes will make you’re a better person.





    Massages most Thursdays in January, schedule now with Crystal!

    “Enjoyed my visit, it was very relaxing.”

    “I love it, especially after my workouts.”

    “I loved her, very friendly, immediately felt at ease.  She listened and worked on spots I told her about.”

    “Absolutely wonderful, wish she could come more often.”


    Volbella is a new lip filler that DOES NOT exaggerate the lips but improves wrinkles and creases in the lips and the skin just above the lips.  Studies show it lasts for about a year.  Come in and see what it has done for Diane, Crystal and Dianna.


    Kybella is an injected solution that melts the fat under your chin.

    Microblading is a technique of applying permanent makeup to your eyebrows with individual strokes simulating individual hairs.

    Collagen Induction Therapy or microneedling reduces facial pigmentation and improves wrinkles.

    Sclerotherapy improves spider veins in your legs.




    Want a fresh healthy look to your skin for the holidays?  Take advantage of our Tensage Kit, our newest line of skin care with growth factors to repair, maintain, and protect skin.  Stem cell factors help reinforce and restore youthfulness to the skin.  Four products for the price of 2 priced at $375 ($630 normally).


    Healthy living,


    Peter McKenna, M.D.




    McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center . 10577 Montgomery Road . Cincinnati . OH . 45242



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