  • Reading, a Lost Art?

    Much like cooking, there is a recent movement to enjoy reading for the sake of itself and not as a necessity that needs to be completed as quickly as possible.  Uninterrupted reading for 30-45 minutes helps concentration and relieves stress.  In fact, some groups get together just to have quiet and read independently.

    Studies show the advantages.  The journal of Neurology published that regular engagement in mentally challenging activities, including reading, slowed rates of memory loss in participants’ later years.  Science showed that reading literary fiction helps people understand others’ mental states and beliefs, a crucial skill in building relationships.  Other benefits include enhancing concentration, improving listening skills, and enriching vocabulary.

    (Did You Know?  Tips include going to a quiet place and turn off phones and computers.  Take notes occasionally.  Treat reading like exercise and make time for it. ) 

    I try to read a newspaper each morning, kinda old fashioned.  Give yourself 30 minutes sometime this week to read something that interests you.  See how you feel afterwards.

    From WSJ

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