  • Probiotics Augments $4995, Coolsculpting 4 for the Price of 3 Botox Day Tomorrow 2/18 and the Rest of This Week!


    Botox Day is tomorrow, Tuesday February 18th BUT WE WILL BE HAVING SOME HOURS EVERY DAY THIS WEEK!!! We will have discounts on Botox and fillers such as Juvederm.  Botox is $13/unit or $195/syringe (normally $16/unit and $240/syringe). Fillers are also 10% off.  Juvederm is the most common filler for “raising” facial wrinkles.  Voluma is an injectable filler that augments and lifts the cheeks and Volbella and Vollure subtly augment the lips and improve perioral wrinkles.


    Mused after enjoying oysters, lobster bisque, crab cakes, and small lobster tails to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  Seafood Station on Loveland Madeira Road just north of Hopewell has a large selection of fresh seafood at reasonable prices.  Their verlasso salmon is terrific.  Tell Jeff I sent you.


    Augments from March 1 until June 1 will be $4995, saline or silicone.  This includes surgeon, implants, anesthesia, and facility fees.  Schedule your consultation NOW!




    Probiotics are microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, or yeast that are intended to confer health benefits.  Prebiotics are soluble fibers that attract water and contain sugars eaten by gut bacteria.  Metamucil is a common prebiotic.


    Probiotics are found in fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut.  They are part of our normal gut flora called microbiome.  An increasing number of studies are showing that the greater the diversity of our microbiome the better our health regarding gastrointestinal disorders, inflammatory conditions, psoriasis and possibly even cancer.


    So shouldn’t we take a supplement to ensure diversity in our gut flora?  More evidence says no.  Last year a study from Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science found that taking an over the counter probiotic supplement delayed reconstitution and recovery of gut microbiome after antibiotic treatment.


    (Did You Know?   Nutritional probiotics assist in replenishing gut flora after some antibiotics kill off our intestinal bacteria which can cause diarrhea.)


    To aid in our microbiome health, experts recommend a high fiber diet.  Fermentable fibers from whole grains and other foods feed our microbiome.  The amount of recommended fiber varies on sex and age but should be a minimum of 25 grams and optimally around 38 grams each day.  Prebiotics can be useful in those who cannot achieve this amount of fiber.


    -University of Texas MD Anderson, Harvard University, and Men’s Health.




    Into our third and hopefully last month of grey weather, it’s nice to start thinking of vacations especially around the time of spring break.  I hope you have something planned for yourself or your families.  I’m headed to Sedona for a long weekend.  Here’s to a little sunshine 😉




    All staff are extremely professional and kind.  Keep doing what you’re doing.  -S.O.


    CoolSculpting Special!


    Get 4 cycles for price of 3. Can be used on multiple body parts or focus on one area.

    Does not have to be used in one sitting as some patients may need two cycles then a repeat.




    Our Spectrum LASER/IPL and this is what it does…

    “Tattoo Regret” immediately after the first treatment.


    HAIR:  Permanent Hair Reduction


    Hair Removal Special:  Underarm and bikini areas!  Now is the time to get started for next summer!  6 treatments are 40% off regular price for a savings of $480 and $600 respectively.  Schedule in January or February to take advantage of this discount.  Our “cool tip” minimizes discomfort.  Above the waist the treatments are every 4-6 weeks and below 8-12 weeks.  Little discomfort and quick treatments by a qualified nurse.  Call for details 513-793-5772.


    VASCULAR:  Eliminates spider veins, capillaries, and small hemangiomas of face, legs and body.


    PIGMENT:  Pigment & brown spot reduction of face, neck, decolletage, and hands.


    SKIN RESURFACING:  Facial peels improve wrinkles from “lunchtime” to complete resurfacing.


    TATTOO:  Tattoo removal, “Erase Regret”.


    ACNE:  Acne treatments for adults and teens.


    Our consultations are FREE.  Call us at 513-793-5772 to schedule yours and get the specific information for your circumstance.



    Cellfina, www.cellfina.com, is the only FDA-cleared minimally invasive procedure clinically proven to improve the appearance of cellulite for at least three years.  The best candidate has dimpling that is not caused by loose skin.  The benefits are a long-lasting, single, in-office treatment that usually takes under an hour.  No general anesthesia is needed and downtime is limited in most cases to the day of treatment.  96% of patients were satisfied after two years.







    Package of 3 treatments 10% off, package of 6 treatments 20% off!

    This procedure is accomplished using Dermapen, a micro-needling device that works to tighten, lift, and rejuvenate skin by stimulating factors and collagen. It is effective in reducing fine lines and wrinkles as well as improving brown spots, stretch marks, and scars, especially from acne. It creates channels in the skin in a controlled manner. As compared to other skin rejuvenation treatments, Dermapen does not damage the epidermis and, therefore, is safe on any skin type. It has a short treatment time with minimal discomfort and downtime. Not only is it used on the face but also the neck, hands, and other body areas


    Don’t forget LATISSE, $98 for 3ml and $159 for 5 ml!



    Healthy living,


    Peter McKenna, M.D.




    McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center . 10577 Montgomery Road . Cincinnati . OH . 45242


    A Cincinnati Magazine “Top Doc” since 1998

    Allergan Top 500 Practice

    A Skinceuticals Flagship Practice




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