  • New in Skin Care: Nichole and SkinMedica!

    We are welcoming Nichole Volpe as our newest addition to our skin care program. She is a licensed Master Esthetician who trained at the Steiner Institute of Esthetics in Salt Lake City. Her goal is to “to help others love their skin by providing them with the knowledge, tools, and treatments they need to feel beautiful inside and out.” She will be here Tuesdays and Thursday evenings.

    For a limited time her facial evaluations and micropeels will be half off our usual $85 treatment price. Call us to schedule an appointment.

    Also, our newest product line is SkinMedica. Some of their products include TNS Essential Serum with growth factors to improve aging skin, Lytera which diminishes brown spots, and retinols which help in collagen turnover.

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