  • MRIs and Silicone Breast Implants

    One of the most important factors when considering breast implant surgery is that all implants eventually leak. With saline or salt water implants most patients know when it is happening as they are getting smaller. They call us, we get them scheduled, replace it and within a couple of days are back to doing most activities. Silicone implants are different.

    Rupture of a silicone implant is most often without symptoms or physical changes. Even though there is a hole in the shell of the implant, it tends to retain its shape. The best test to check for silicone breast implant leakage is an MRI. In fact, the FDA and implant manufacturers recommend an MRI three years after initial placement of the implants and then every two years.

    (Did You Know? Physical exam on a ruptured silicone implant finds the leak about 30% of the time. MRIs detect a leak 89% according to studies. )

    Who pays for this? At this point insurance companies have been good about covering MRIs if we have a high suspicion of implant leakage. Recently, a local company has advertised MRIs (including the reading) for $395. This compares with those at a hospital which may go up to a couple of thousand dollars.

    If you have not had an MRI and have silicone implants we recommend that you get one. We would be happy to see you for questions or schedule you for one.

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