  • Hydration

    Mused old videos of Muhammed Ali “Floating like a Butterfly, and Stinging like a Bee.”


    Every cell in your body needs water to function.  Your brain and heart are almost three-quarters water, your muscles and kidneys almost 80% and even your bones are about 30%.  With summer here it is important to remain hydrated.


    How much is enough?  In general, thirst dictates how much fluid we need.  However, as we age our sensation of thirst is reduced and thus it is easier to become dehydrated.  Also, older individuals tend to have lower reserves.  For those around age 50 men require about 3.7 liters each day and women 2.7.  This includes water intake from all food and beverage sources.


    (Did You Know? Water makes up about 55% of your weight as an adult.)


    About 20% of our liquid intake is from food.  The other 80% or about 11 cups of beverages for men and 10 cups for women can come from not only water but all “beverages” we partake.  This includes caffeinated beverages.


    Medical claims of water are exaggerated or in many cases false.  Although skin is 30% water, drinking more will not prevent wrinkles or prevent aging.  Dry skin is better treated with hydrating agents and sunscreens.  Ask one of our skin care nurses for more details.


    Tuft’s Health & Nutrition Letter


    La Dolce Vita:


    The Experts Speak by Christopher Cerf and Victor Navasky talks about how failing leads to success.  Full of anecdotal stories of modelling directors telling Marilyn Monroe to get a secretarial job, Einstein declaring nuclear energy unobtainable and Edison predicting that radio would only be a novelty.  The point is that getting it wrong and again wrong can sometimes be the only way to get is RIGHT!  If at first you don’t succeed…




    Micropeels buy three for $195.  Limit one per patient.


    Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) or microneedling face package of three treatments and get the fourth FREE.  Go to www.dermapen.com for details of CIT.  Improves wrinkles through stimulation of collagen.


    Something old, something new…


    Swimsuit season is here and Nichole wants me to remind everyone that she does waxing.  Add that to a new swimsuit and our sunscreen special and you’ll be ready for the sun, sun, sun.  Also she does relaxing facials that don’t require being off any skin care products.


    Healthy living,


    Peter McKenna, M.D.




    McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center . 10577 Montgomery Road . Cincinnati . OH . 45242



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