  • A Healthier, But Still Enjoyable, Thanksgiving Feast!

    Mused while contemplating running in the Thanksgiving Day Race downtown 9 am Thursday.  www.thanksgivingdayrace.com


    Thanksgiving is the beginning of the annual fight to avoid gaining weight during the holiday season.  We feel guilty about the weight we put on but feel worse if we don’t partake in holiday meals, parties, and desserts.  However, by emphasizing the healthier side to meals we can limit unnecessary calories or fat.


    Turkey and tenderloin are main courses that limit calories and fat compared to ham and other forms of beef.  For example, 3 oz. of turkey has 110 calories and .5 g. of fat.  Prime rib has 310 calories and ham 4.5 g. of fat.  Don’t forget to remove the skin on turkey and chicken.


    Emphasizing fruits and vegetables rather than potatoes and breads makes a meal healthier.  Fresh vegetables and fruits especially before the main meal help to fill you and avoid higher caloric appetizers.  Roasting vegetables reduces fatty sauces or butter.  Substitute a vegetable soup for a more complex carbohydrate.  Make your stuffing with whole-wheat bread. Cranberries, sweet potatoes, and green beans are nutritional but watch how they are prepared.


    (Did You Know?  It is not the turkey that makes you sleepy after your Thanksgiving meal but the carbohydrates.  They increase your insulin level which results in an increased level of tryptophan in the bloodstream and voila, naptime!)


    Dessert and alcohol, deathtraps for calories!  Seriously, no one is expected to avoid these and moderation is the key.  Alternate a glass of wine with a glass of water.  Red wine has about 120 calories per glass.  All desserts are not created equal.  Minimize those with lots of calories.  Pecan pie is high in calories, take the crust edge off pumpkin pie, and use Cool Whip over ice cream when adding to a dessert.


    Part of the enjoyment of the holidays is indulging in good food with friends and family.  There is no reason to skip these pleasures.  However, small changes add up and can make a big improvement in the way you would have looked in January without sacrificing.




    Last Botox Day I asked almost all patients if they had any special foods they make for their Thanksgiving meal.  Most were very traditional but others included shrimp and grits, homemade noodles, monkey bread, short ribs, grape leaves, and pickled herring in wine sauce.  Some of you will eat out and Seasons 52 will have at least 3 of our patients.  Wherever and whatever you have, I hope it’s with those who care about you the most.




    Volbella is a new lip filler that DOES NOT exaggerate the lips but improves wrinkles and creases in the lips and the skin just above the lips.  Studies show it lasts for about a year.  Come in and see what it has done for Diane and Dianna.


    Jen and Jayna are our two new MEDICAL SKIN CARE staff who not only provide more opportunities for micropeels (medical facials) and microneedling with Dermapen but also eyelash extensions/dying, waxing, & relaxing facials.


    Don’t like your profile?

    New Kybella for fat under your chin!!!


    Kybella is an injected solution that melts the fat under your chin.  From the same company that brings you Botox and Juvederm, the process is without anesthesia and usually takes 30 minutes.  Recommended are 2-3 treatments but down time is minimal.  Call for more information or to set up a complimentary consultation to see if you are a good candidate and what the costs would be.


    Eyebrows too thin or lacking?  Microblading is a technique of applying permanent makeup with individual strokes simulating individual hairs.  Each stroke is purposely placed to mimic the natural flow of eyebrow hairs. Not the old way of coloring in the eyebrow area.


    Facial brown spots from this summer’s sun?  Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) or microneedling helps to reduce the pigment cells.  Purchase a package of three treatments and get the fourth FREE.  Go to www.dermapen.com for details of CIT.  Also improves wrinkles through stimulation of collagen on the face, neck and chest areas.


    Massages most Thursdays in November, schedule now!




    Want a fresh healthy look to your skin for the holidays?  Take advantage of our Tensage Kit, our newest line of skin care with growth factors to repair, maintain, and protect skin.  Stem cell factors help reinforce and restore youthfulness to the skin.  Four products for the price of 2 priced at $375 ($630 normally).



    Happy Thanksgiving!


    Healthy living,


    Peter McKenna, M.D.




    McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center . 10577 Montgomery Road . Cincinnati . OH . 45242





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