  • Never Again Receive Forgettable Gifts, For Spouses Only, Botox Day Tomorrow!

    We have all received gifts that we wish we hadn’t.  I have had my share of ties that now reside in the deepest recesses of my closet.  Bad gifts from your spouse are the ones that are the most irritating and cause the greatest emotional response.  So how do we avoid receiving such gifts?  An article in the Wall Street Journal has some suggestions.

    There are some rules to share with your spouse to minimize the possibility of having to ask forgiveness.

    When in doubt, go down a size.

    Never give a gift that suggests your spouse is not perfect.  No unsolicited exercise equipment or self-help books.

    Appliances and cookware are only okay if asked for.

    Don’t even think about a gift that you will get more enjoyment out of than your spouse.

    Remember:  It’s not just the thought that counts-especially if you didn’t have that thought until the checkout line.

    When all else fails, at least try to create memories.

    (Did You Know?  Botox Day tomorrow.  Save $20 more when using two or more syringes of Botox or Botox and a filler.)

    Share this with your spouse in hopes of avoiding hurt feelings.  After all there are still 10 shopping days left!

    Happy and Blessed Holidays to you and your families.


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