  • Botox Day Tomorrow Tuesday April 19! Dog Germs & Sickness?

    Botox Day is tomorrow Tuesday April 19 with discounts on Botox and fillers such as Juvederm.  Botox is $13/unit or $195/syringe (normally $16/unit and $240/syringe) and fillers are 10% off.  Voluma is an injectable filler that augments and lifts the cheeks.


    Can kissing your dog make you sick?  As many as 60% of Americans have pets and they have been shown to provide good health, exercise and emotional care to their owners.  But there are many bacteria that dogs carry that can cause us illness.


    Dog bacteria can cause problems in human gastrointestinal system, wounds and the bloodstream.  The very young and old are more susceptible as are those already ill especially with diabetes or cancer.


    (Did You Know?   Zoonoses are diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans. )


    Contact doesn’t just have to be being licked in the face to acquire the bacteria.  Throwing a ball and sleeping with a dog can spread germs.  The best way to avoid getting sick from your dog is to make sure it regularly is seen by a vet and receives its vaccinations.  And, of course, WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE!


    From WSJ


    Healthy living,


    Peter McKenna, M.D.




    McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center . 10577 Montgomery Road . Cincinnati . OH . 45242




    Skin Care Special:  All sunscreens 20% off.  Sunshine or not, it’s best for your skin!


    Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) or microneedling face package of three treatments and get the fourth FREE.  Go to www.dermapen.com for details of CIT.  Improves wrinkles through stimulation of collagen.





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