  • CAN FEELING YOUNGER MAKE YOU HEALTHIER? Save 20% When You and a Friend Both Have Surgery, See Below Turkey “Chorizo” Breakfast Burrito Recipe & Pictures Free Consultations, Surgery Financing 3, 6, 12 months NO Interest Garibaldi, A Simple Low Alcohol Brunch Drink (To Go with Your Burrito) McKenna Membership Rewards (MMR), 20 Butterflies Saves $50






    Mused after trying a Garibaldi. This easy drink is comprised of two parts orange juice (preferably fresh) and one part Campari. Put the OJ in a blender and a quick whip for a foamy drink. Enjoy it with the burrito some weekend morning.



    Can Feeling Younger Make You Healthier

    Is it true that you’re only as old as you feel?

    Studies are finding some link between people’s “subjective” or psychological age” and their future health and longevity. Conversely, feeling older than your chronological age is associated with a higher likelihood of dementia, frailty, stroke and heart disease according to recent research.

    In one German study of 2,400 adults over 20 years, participants who said they expected to continue to grow and develop into old age lived on average 13 years longer than those who didn’t expect such growth.

     (Did You Know?  “Age beliefs are quite malleable. They are not set in stone.” Says Dr. Becca Levy, professor of epidemiology and psychology at the Yale School of Public Health.)

    Participating in new experiences, such as traveling or taking classes, and resisting negative assumptions about getting older might help you feel younger and improve your outlook, researchers say. Being in good health is a big reason why many people feel younger than they are and therefore might live longer.


    Some researchers feel biology, more than mind-set, might be the reason people feel older or younger than their calendar age. A Korean study scanning brains showed smaller grey matter in those who felt older than their real age.

    Other Thoughts from the article:

    Companies are marketing ways to measure age.

    “Would you feel younger if you didn’t have any wrinkles? But would that lead to better health outcomes as a result?”

    “How old do I feel?” How old do I feel in physical abilities, mental performance or social connections?”

    -Betsy Morris, WSJ



    2 for 20%

    You and a Friend,

    You and your Sister,

    Mother, Husband, Neighbor,

    Tennis Partner, Hair Stylist,*

    You Get the Idea

    Save 20% off the Surgeon’s Fee when the 2 of you

    Both have surgery between October 1 and December 31, 2023

    (Some restrictions apply, call 513-793-5772 to schedule)

     *Dentist, waiter, mayor, plumber, bartender, Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, or Elon Musk.





    Turkey “Chorizo” Breakfast Burrito


    Finished Tortilla           Healthy Tortillas Used


    In a large bowl, add 1 pound ground turkey, chicken or pork, 1 Tbls. chili powder, 2 tsp. paprika, 2 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tsp. cumin, ½ tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. salt, ½ tsp. black pepper, 1 Tbls. white vinegar, and 2 Tbsp. cold water. Mix by hand and let set in fridge at least 10 minutes. Add 2 Tbsp. olive oil in large pan. (At this point I sauteed a diced onion in the pan.) Add turkey mixture and cook until done, 5-7 minutes. Add a bag of frozen spinach and cook until warm. Either add 2-4 eggs to this and scramble or scramble eggs separately. Warm tortillas. Add turkey and egg mixtures. Cover with a diced avocado and salsa.



    McKenna Membership Rewards entitles you to a “butterfly stamp” for every $50 you spend on goods, services, and injectables (surgery and some procedures are not included.) For every 20 butterflies you receive $50 off on your next purchase. Call us for more details.




    Smart TCA Peel:

    Single treatment: $175, normally $200

    Package of three: $500, normally $550



    Monthly Payment Plans for Surgeries, Skincare and Injectables Through CareCredit, Call Us for Details. Currently, no interest on 3, 6, or 12 month plans.



    Healthy living,



    Peter McKenna, M.D.




    McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center | 513.793.5772 |10577 Montgomery Road | Cincinnati, OH 45242


    30+ Years of Improving Lives

    A Cincinnati Magazine “Top Doc” since 1998

    Allergan Top 500 Physician

    SkinCeuticals “Flagship” Practice

    And now a Luminary (expert) for Endymed RF Fractional Treatments


    (I do write all the emails and have done so since 2007. -PJM)


    McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center | 10577 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242
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