  • Ways to Help Your Heart!

    Here are some ways to help your heart and their sources. Sometimes it’s informative to read more from the source. Honestly, I don’t make this stuff up.

    Eating walnuts daily. Yale.
    Avoid dirty air. Univ. of Washington.
    Flu vaccination. Journal Heart.
    Avoid insomnia. Northwestern Univ.
    But sleep less than 10 hours. Journal Sleep.
    Potassium. CDC.
    Getting married. Finnish study.
    Own a dog. Journal Circulation.
    Sex two to three times week. American Journal of Cardiology.
    Avoid work related stress. Journal Psychosomatic Medicine.
    20 minutes UV exposure weekly. Scottish study.
    Cut trans fats. Columbia Univ.

    (Did You Know? Chunking. Divide your target or goal into chunks. For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds aim first for ten. Once achieved, work on the other ten.)

    Eat breakfast. Harvard.
    Skip energy drinks. Univ. of Pacific.
    Cinnamon. Journal of the Academy of nutrition and Dietetics.
    A positive attitude. Johns Hopkins.
    Intervals on a stationary bike. Canadian study.
    People who sing together. Sweden study.
    Leafy greens daily. Harvard.
    Squats, working your biggest muscles.
    Low fat dairy. French study.
    Less traffic noise. Denmark study.
    Long, slow breaths. Journal Hypertension Research.

    Now take six breaths in 30 seconds. Feels good doesn’t it?

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